Monday, December 29, 2014


I am, such a slacker

       Just now, I was finishing up a paper for history class, that i probably should have done a week ago. I literally get side-tracked by everything. I think that's my problem. I mean look! I haven't posted on here in a month! I'm a procrastinator, it's a serious problem at this point. I have always been one, but now it's important because colleges start looking at you in 7th grade, and I, of course, am in 7th grade.  It's important to get the best possible grades now, if I want to be accepted into an ivy-league school. which I do! I want to go to a school for musicians, For the cello, the guitar, and I want to sing. among those things, I want to be able to support a family, pay off my house... things like that. not now, oh no. But when I am grown. Who knows? i might work at the local McDonalds, I might be going on world tours. I want to have a bright future, and I have the potential to change the world, everybody does! I will never be able to live that life though, if i don't get my S*** together. excuse my french but it is a very important topic. 
       Don't be a me, be something important. I know you can! you just have to try! I'm going to start trying harder, and you should too, because if your not giving it 100%, then your not trying hard enough.
Don't be a me!
Don't be a Delaney!