Monday, December 29, 2014


I am, such a slacker

       Just now, I was finishing up a paper for history class, that i probably should have done a week ago. I literally get side-tracked by everything. I think that's my problem. I mean look! I haven't posted on here in a month! I'm a procrastinator, it's a serious problem at this point. I have always been one, but now it's important because colleges start looking at you in 7th grade, and I, of course, am in 7th grade.  It's important to get the best possible grades now, if I want to be accepted into an ivy-league school. which I do! I want to go to a school for musicians, For the cello, the guitar, and I want to sing. among those things, I want to be able to support a family, pay off my house... things like that. not now, oh no. But when I am grown. Who knows? i might work at the local McDonalds, I might be going on world tours. I want to have a bright future, and I have the potential to change the world, everybody does! I will never be able to live that life though, if i don't get my S*** together. excuse my french but it is a very important topic. 
       Don't be a me, be something important. I know you can! you just have to try! I'm going to start trying harder, and you should too, because if your not giving it 100%, then your not trying hard enough.
Don't be a me!
Don't be a Delaney!  

Sunday, November 30, 2014

In the eyes of a teenager

A little advice

           That is correct, you read me right. I am now a full fledged teenager, and i am pretty proud of it too. Even though, really i had nothing to do with the progression of time over the course of a year. there will be no more "In the eyes of a preteen" because i can no longer write from that point of view, but I can carry on with the standpoint of a teen aged girl, because i am... a teen aged girl. now, on with what i actually wanted to write about.
           ADVICE. now that i am an almighty 7th grader *note sarcasm* I can see all the mistakes they are making that i wish someone had warned me about. 
  1. dear 6th grade girl, don't wear heels. It just doesn't work. cut down on the makeup (something I wish someone had told me) you definitely do not need to be wearing crop tops either. While waiting for school to start, put down your phone and socialize. at school dances, what happened to the all important balloon rule? sincerely, someone who is trying to help you.
  2. Boys, pull up your pants!
  3. Girls/Guys, if you don't want your heart broken, don't have a sixth grade relationship.
         Those are all pretty important, but none as much as this.
Just be you.

Monday, November 17, 2014

I may just surprise you

Me, Myself, And I

         As you may have noticed i am a very opinionated person. Don't get me wrong, it would be amazing if i were normal, but i'm not. That's the bitter truth. I'm so many different things

  • dysfunctional 
  • unorganized
  • rebellious
  • self-reliant
  • un-trusting
  • sassy
  • cocky
  • just downright insane
I'm not a perfect person. I always had a dream that I would be something special, that i would have been discovered years ago. Clearly that never happened. I guess this is plan B. I'm just your average case of "the little girl who grew up to fast"  In all honesty, i hoped to be somewhere by now. I know that not a lot of people read this, but maybe someday more people will. For the select few who may be reading this in the distant future might be thinking "How should she know, this little girl. how would she know what the real world is like?" to those people, my opinion may not matter to you, but it matters to me. I've lived the real world. People are mean and there isn't anything anyone can do about it. life happens. Illness happens. Bullying happens. it's a regular occurrence. I may just surprise you... i know a lot more than a kid of my age should. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

It's whatever

Things people say that annoy me.

Hello my beautiful readers, It feels like I haven't posted in forever. That makes me sad :(, because this is a new blog, and I really would like to have consistency. I'm trying to post everyday, but with school work and chores, some things get in the way. I will try extra hard from now on to post daily <3.

            People, annoy me. There are very few that don't, and if you don't, i love you dearly. So, on the topic of annoyance, let's talk about it. for one thing, I hate it when people try to cram their ideas down your throat, two things in particular;

  1. Homosexuals will burn in h*ll. 
  2. Abortion is wrong. 
           These are two things that are presented to me on many occasion; Especially every Sunday.  believe me, your entitled to your opinions, but I never asked to hear them. It may be the Catholic church's opinion that abortion and homosexuality are wrong, but they are not mine. while I believe that abortion is wrong, they way you look at it, is very different from how I look at it. My Sunday school teacher says that abortion is wrong, which it may very well be, but he says that it is a sin to have one no matter what, even in the case of rape. As for the topic of homosexuality... people say it is wrong. That's not what I believe. I don't have much of a standpoint on the topic, but i know that if someone makes that decision, it is theirs to make, not yours. Love is Love. no matter what form it comes in.  

Thursday, October 30, 2014

In the eyes of a preteen...


                  We've all been there. We've all been in one, we've all been excluded from one. Who knows? We have probably all excluded some one from our own.
yep, i'm talking about cliques.
                   Everyone has that one group they look at and just wish they were in it.  The way I see it there are two groups, popular, and non-popular. every non-popular wishes they were popular, and every popular, was at  one point, a non-popular. so why do we do this? we are human. that's why. we strive to have everyone like us, but it just won't happen. EVER. Not everyone is going to like you and you have to except that. I guess that IS why we have cliques. we have a group of people we like, and people you wish liked you. 
                   Like, for example, I would give anything to be popular, But I'm not, And i never will be. That is, to everyone. I am popular among my own friends, and i wish that was enough. My hope that one day i will become a plastic-goWithTheFlow- FollowAllTrends-Barbie doll sickens me, but makes me feel like I'm full of bubbles about to spill over. So yes, cliques are complicated. But what Isn't?

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

maybe I'm not

Maybe I'm not

             Maybe I'm not like everyone else, and maybe I already know that. Maybe it was never you're place to tell me anyway. I mean after all, I never really asked, did I? Although i don't look like all the other barbies at this school, maybe I don't want to be. So, of course i know that the rumors are in no way true, but no body else does, And when it ruins somebody else's reputation... That's crossing a line. Especially when that person happens to be my best friend. why should it matter? Even if I was, which I am most definitely not. Say it with me now...
once more,
             So, that being said... MAYBE you should shut up. I never asked anyway....